Best Place To Buy a Venus Fly Trap

Best place to buy a venus fly trap

After doing your research, you’re ready to jump in, but first, you need to find a place to buy venus fly trap plants.

Have no fear—I’ve got you covered!

Today, we’re going to discuss where to buy venus flytraps and their price range.

We’ll also delve into what to look for when choosing a retailer for your venus flytrap.

Venus flytraps aren’t that difficult to find, but finding a good one might take some time and effort.

Buy a venus flytrap / planted /costs sell /

You asked, “Where can I buy a venus fly trap plant?” and I’m going to tell you the answers, so let’s get started!

After learning about venus fly trap purchases, be sure to read my comprehensive guide to venus fly trap maintenance. I’ll make sure you maintain your plant’s life.

Is It Legal to Own a Venus Flytrap?

Due to their frequent appearances in popular culture, Venus flytraps are a well-known carnivorous plant whose recognizable trap design has enthralled enthusiasts for years.

Unfortunately, the natural population has suffered as a result of its popularity. Tragically, it is not uncommon for poachers to attempt to sell wild Venus flytraps, removing them from the ecosystem and ultimately harming or killing the plant and nearby wildlife.

Looking for carnivorous plants in North Carolina

Because of this, advocates have requested that the Venus flytrap become part of the Endangered Species Act, and it is now illegal to remove a wild Venus flytrap from its habitat in its only North American natural home in the South Carolina.

Numerous domestic nurseries that grow Venus flytraps only for domestic use exist as a deterrent to poaching. By allowing natural populations to grow unhindered, these nurseries—which are completely legal to purchase from—help protect the Venus flytrap. Many well-known online retailers offer access to them.

Where Best Place To Buy A Venus Flytraps Plants

Buy a venus flytrap Care: Water, Light, Nutrients

If you’re looking for a place to buy a venus fly trap, there are many different places you can look. However, there are some things you need to watch out for. I’m going to list the places where you can buy a venus fly trap before we delve into that.

One last thing before I ask for your help: Please make sure to do your research before purchasing a venus fly trap. They require special, very different care than typical house plants because they are not typical house plants. They are just VERY different, but they aren’t that difficult to grow.

For you to thoroughly research venus fly traps before purchasing, I’ve provided some really great resources in the links below. Unless otherwise stated, all of these will be links on my website that I took the time to create for you.

Dionaea Muscipula "Big Mouth" Buy a venus flytrap / Carnivorous Plants

Continue reading if you’ve done your research and are prepared to purchase a venus flytrap.

You should have everything you need with this. Please be sure to sign up for a Facebook or Reddit online group. Additionally, there is a fantastic forum you could join where you can find a huge number of people eager to assist you in raising healthy venus flytraps. Below is a link.

The people at Flytrap Care are fantastic resources and have some incredible forums for assistance. After you purchase your venus fly trap, I strongly advise you to go over there and sign up for the forums so you have a resource for any questions that might arise.

What Are My Options When Buy a Venus Flytrap Online?

Your first choice when purchasing a Venus flytrap online is typically at what stage you’ll begin the growing process. Venus flytrap plants are offered by vendors in one of three stages.

Buy venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula: Delivery collection

  • Venus flytrap seeds are relatively cheap and can be used to cultivate several plants if you’re looking to have a small garden of them. But growing venus flytraps a seedling is difficult and needs a skilled gardener. We have a thorough guide on growing a Venus flytrap from seeds if that is something you are interested in.
  • A young Venus flytrap, otherwise known as a Venus flytrap seedling, is no more than about three years old. These are beneficial for people who want to get the most out of their gardening experience but doubt their ability to successfully grow a seed into a seedling.
  • Mature Venus flytraps are more than four years old and regularly flower and produce new seeds. This stage may be right for you if you want to start a new hobby but want a plant that is a little simpler to take care of.

how to buy a venus fly trap seedling online

You should also think about how you’ll expand your flytrap. Venus flytraps are sold by some vendors in terrariums, where they flourish because the closed container helps to maintain high humidity levels.

Avoid completely closed terrariums as they can prevent complete growth. Make sure your chosen plant is robust and prepared for transplanting if you’re planting in a pot or bed.

Last but not least, think about the kinds of flytraps you want to raise. The five most common types of Venus flytraps are listed below.

  • Clayton’s Red Sunset flytraps are entirely red with long, skinny traps.

pitcher plants Dionaea muscipula – pot /delivery /sellers

  • Red Dragon flytraps are very dark red plants. They’re also the most common.

Venus Flytrap 'Red Dragon', live carnivorous plant, potted | different types

  • Green Dragon flytraps have green edging on their traps.

Dionaea muscipula FTS Crimson Sawtooth - Carnivorous Plant

  • Justina Davis flytraps have completely green traps.

Seed Pack Dionaea m. 'Justina Davis' (12 seeds/pack)

  • King Henry flytraps are fast-growing plants known for their large size.

Home & Garden Carnivorous plant ! Dionaea muscipula Venus Flytrap 'King Henry'

How Do You Pick Out a Good Venus Flytrap Online?

The Red Dragon, also known as Dionaea muscipula, is likely the best Venus flytrap large variety for a beginner.

Nearly all carnivorous plant retailers carry Red Dragon flytraps, and there is a wealth of online information on how to care for them. Even so, they still need specific feeding regimens and soil that has a certain chemical composition.

In addition, you can search for particular mutations that will make their traps stand out or be more aesthetically pleasing. The fact that there is no such thing as a “blue Venus flytrap” must be understood.

Plants are frequently sold for astronomical prices using the con known as the “blue Venus flytrap.” Additionally, you ought to read the reviews of the available Venus flytraps. By doing this, you can determine the legitimacy of the seller quickly.

How Much Does It Cost to Buy Venus Flytraps?

The price of a Venus flytrap will primarily depend on what stage of development it is. The least expensive item is usually a set of seeds, which can be purchased for between $6 and $10.

Young Venus flytraps range in price from $4 to $15, again depending on the retailer and the plant’s age. Typically, carnivorous plants cost $15 and up, which is more expensive.

A Venus flytrap terrarium kit, for example, starts at about $15 for a set of seeds and growing carnivorous plants containers, but complete growing kits like these are typically more expensive. This cost is a result of additional materials like suitable soil, carnivorous plant food, and care instructions.

venus fly trap buy online terrarium kit /carnivorous plants\ carnivorous plants (pot, food, etc)

What To Look For carnivorous plant

In order to obtain a robust and healthy plant, you must know what to look for. In particular, if you are a novice venus flytrap grower. If you don’t have a lot of experience, it can be very difficult to revive a sick plant. You might never want to own or purchase a venus flytrap again if this happens.

Size and Good Condition

When choosing where to purchase a venus fly trap plant, this is likely the most crucial factor to consider. You want to have the best experience possible as a beginner grower, and starting out with a healthy plant will significantly increase your chances of doing so.

Plant Venus flytrap adult

A health adult venus flytrap plant, which is typically at least 5 years old, will have at least 4 healthy, fully developed traps. Although there is a wide variety in plant genetics, it is important to keep in mind these general guidelines.

They will typically be 1/2 inch to 1 inch or even longer when looking at an adult trap. Although the majority of the venus flytrap should be green and healthy-looking, remember that a few black or yellowing traps are common. The non-yellow or non-black traps should appear smooth, green, and sturdy.

The interior of the trap might be entirely green or even partially colored red. Even venus flytrap plants with long flower stocks growing out of the center occasionally appear.

The plant may not be getting enough light if the stems are three inches or longer and still don’t have any fully developed traps, so I would steer clear.

Young Venus flytrap plant

The Venus Fly Trap: A Guide for Growing and Keeping carnivorous\ plants carnivorous plants (soil, pot, food, etc)

Let’s now discuss young venus flytraps. Instead of the adult plant, I mentioned above, you might want to purchase a younger one. These should have at least three additional growing stems (leaves) and remain much smaller. The length of the trap can range from an eighth of an inch to a half inch.

The same traits you looked for with the adults should apply here. The majority of traps should be smooth, firm, and green, though some may be a little yellow or black.

If you decide to purchase a venus fly trap, be sure to use common sense. It only takes a quick glance at the plant to determine whether it appears sick, diseased, or generally unwell. You should probably look elsewhere if the venus fly trap you’re buying appears wilted, wrinkled, discolored, and doesn’t have any healthy traps.

Make sure to ask the seller for a picture of the actual plant you would receive if you were to purchase a venus fly trap online. The image you will receive is the actual plant; it is not a stock image or a generic image. This gives it a slightly more localized feel to purchasing from a local nursery.


Please think about the timing of your venus fly trap plant purchase when deciding where to buy one. Venus flytraps undergo a protracted period of dormancy and can sometimes seem ill or even dead. When they are at their healthiest, in the late spring or summer, I highly advise purchasing venus fly traps.

Please click the link below to read everything I wrote about venus flytrap dormancy; it’s crucial to comprehend!

Additional Supplies to Buy carnivorous plants

You should purchase special soil for your flytrap in addition to the plant itself. Acidic loose soil, such as peat moss, perlite, or a combination of the two, is required. Additionally, think about sandy compounds. To avoid rot, the earth should remain moist but have excellent drainage.

To keep your plant moist and in a humid environment, you’ll also need distilled water because tap water can be too abrasive. Obtaining this water is as easy as collecting rainwater or, in less severe climates, purchasing distilled water from your neighborhood grocery store.

Feeding Venus flytraps is relatively easy because they only eat a few times per month if that. Although it will need live insects, if you don’t typically have many of them around the house, keep some pre-packaged Venus flytrap food on hand just in case.

where to buy supplies for venus fly traps /carnivorous plants (soil, pot, food, etc)


Although I probably just wasted too much time discussing where to buy venus fly trap plants, I do care. Because I adore them so much, I want to make sure that others feel the same way. Finding a robust, healthy plant can significantly alter people’s perceptions of growing these unique little carnivorous plants.

I hope that today’s lesson was useful to you and that I was able to address your inquiries about venus fly trap retailers.

This took me a lot of time to put together, so if Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram are your preferred social media sites, please share them with your friends. Everything you can do for me would be greatly appreciated.

Here’s to having Venus fly trap plants that are thriving, sturdy, and resilient!

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