Best Succulents For Bathrooms

10 Best Succulents For Bathrooms

It is definitely possible to display succulents in your bathroom if they are your favorite plants. However, can succulents endure in a restroom? The best succulents for a bathroom are listed in this article, along with information on whether or not they can be kept in a bathroom with or without a window.

Consider getting a cactus if you want to add some life to your bathroom. The options include Dracaenas, Aloe vera, Sky plants, and Orchid cacti, among others. Learn more about each type and how to use it to decorate your space by reading on. After all, one of the most typical places to keep plants is in the bathroom!

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Best Succulents For Bathrooms

In general, succulents can’t last very long in bathrooms, especially cacti. Because of their preference for high amounts of sunlight, arid environments, and low humidity levels. However, some succulents can thrive in a bathroom with some indirect, filtered light since they like a moderate amount of humidity and partial to full shade.

However, despite the humid air and dim lighting, you can still display some succulents in your bathroom. Whether your bathroom has a window will also affect which succulents you can show off.

Follow these guidelines to ensure your succulents thrive in a bathroom:

  • Never use cleaning spray on your plants, and always wipe the plant down after something spills on its leaves.
  • Succulents won’t survive if they are kept too close to radiators in a bathroom.
  • You can install fluorescent lighting in your bathroom to give your plants the growth spectrum light they need if it has very little natural light.
  • Be careful with overwatering, considering higher humidity levels in most bathrooms.
  • To prevent leaf scorching, keep your succulent about 30–50 cm (1–1.6 feet) away from the window if it needs filtered light.
  • Succulents need soil that drains well and pots with drainage holes.
bathroom plants
Best Succulents For Bathrooms

Best succulents for a bathroom

Dracaena, or a Dragon plant

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Dracaena, or a Dragon plant

Another excellent option for your bathroom is a dragon plant. Plants like dracaena are robust and excellent for beginners. Dracaena belongs to the same Asparagaceae family as succulents and is closely related to Sansevieria.

Dragon plants are hardy and can endure the humid, low-light conditions found in bathrooms. However, just like with other succulents, be sure to use well-draining soil. When the soil is mostly dry, you can water the dragon plant to maintain a moist soil environment. But refrain from overwatering (yellowing leaves and a wilting plant are indicators you need to water less).

You must adhere to certain rules if you want to grow a dracaena in your bathroom. Dracaenas, for instance, require light, water, and plant food. It should also be kept in a location with a humidity of 60 to 70 percent and a temperature of 15 to 21 degrees Celsius. Dracaenas can be grown in the majority of hardiness zones, but those outside of zone 12 should be kept indoors.

The ideal plants for the bathroom are those that thrive in a warm, humid climate. These plants can be grown with artificial light and can tolerate moderate light. They can be positioned close to a window, a shower, or a hanging basket. This plant makes a fantastic bathroom plant thanks to its long, pointed leaves and stunning foliage. But remember that Dracaenas are vulnerable.

It is better if your bathroom has windows, as dragon plats require some filtered light. Not all Dracaena plants are great for low light conditions, but a couple that are include Dracaena fragrans (corn plant) and Janet Craig plant (Dracaena Deremensis).

Dracaenas make a great choice for beginners. They are simple to grow and maintain, and pruning them is not particularly difficult. When pruning them, use a sharp knife and pre-soak it in water and bleach before cutting the stems. This will stop any dangerous pathogens from infecting your plants through the soil. To guarantee that they grow to the appropriate height, you can even prune them at an angle.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera
Aloe vera

Even if your bathroom doesn’t have any windows, aloe vera is one of the best plants for the room. That’s because aloe vera can grow in low light and does well in humid environments.

It can withstand harsh conditions well and will absorb moisture from its surroundings. Aloe Vera is resilient enough that even novices can keep it in their bathrooms. However, Aloe Vera requires soil that drains well; never let the roots become soggy. Before watering, allow the soil to dry completely. Discard any water that remains in a saucer right away.

Succulents are a great choice for the bathroom because of their health advantages and low maintenance requirements. Aloe vera succulents need low watering and moderate humidity. Due to the warm environment in the bathroom, these succulents will flourish there. Until the soil is dry, watering should be restricted to once or twice per week. They will, however, put up with some sunlight. Succulents can also be positioned in any room of the house.

You can use several Aloe Vera plants to add a lovely accent to a small bathroom. Outdoors, these plants, which are simple to grow, can reach heights of two feet and a width of three feet. Aloe vera plants can grow much more slowly indoors and typically reach their largest size at about 18″ across. Make sure you keep the plant out of reach of children and pets, because the sap from Aloe Vera plants can be poisonous to cats and dogs.

The Heartleaf Philodendron is another excellent bathroom plant. This succulent, which has leaves in the shape of hearts, is a great choice for a bathroom. It can be hung from a trellis or placed on posts to be used as a hanging plant. It prefers humidity and will expand when there is enough of it present. The formaldehyde is also filtered. Aloe vera succulents or a striking calathea plant are good options if you’re looking for a plant that will improve your appearance.

Sansevieria, or a Snake Plant


Sansevieria, or a Snake Plant

A snake plant, also known as a Sansevieria, is a fantastic succulent for a bathroom. Snake plants can survive in a bathroom, despite the fact that they favor dry, sunny spots both indoors and outdoors. A window in your bathroom is a huge plus.

Sansevieria adds a lot of height to a space, making it a great plant for a bathroom, particularly the bathroom floor. Snake plants, according to practitioners of Feng Shui, are energizing for bathrooms. This is due to the fact that they have leaves that point upward, whereas bathrooms frequently flush water downward.

Additionally, Sansevieria is excellent at removing toxins from bathrooms. Various medications, chemicals, and other cleaning supplies are kept in a common bathroom. In general, Sansevieria are known for being extremely hardy. They can thrive in bathrooms very well because of this. Additionally, there are around 70 different Sansevieria species from which you can select and buy.

Elephant Bush

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Elephant Bush

Elephant Bush is a succulent that looks great indoors and has brown woody stems with red undertones. This succulent dislikes direct sunlight because it could easily burn its leaves. It does, however, require some sunlight and soil that drains well.
Elephant bushes can reach heights of 6–18 feet (2–5.5 meters), making them ideal for large pots. Make sure you plant it in a pot with lots of drainage holes because it doesn’t like high humidity levels or excess water. On a bathroom floor, succulent elephant bush plants will look fantastic.

Pilea peperomioides, or a Chinese Money Plant

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Pilea peperomioides

An intriguing plant with rounded leaves is the Chinese money plant. Additionally, this plant requires little maintenance and is a potent air purifier. If your bathroom doesn’t have any windows, you might decide to take it out occasionally to get some sunlight due to the low lighting in a bathroom. Filtered light is preferred by Chinese money plants.
It also prefers medium watering, but only when the soil is beginning to dry out should you water. During the growing season, fertilize once every two weeks or so.

Air Plants

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Sky Plants

As a stylish substitute for conventional planters in your bathroom, use sky plants. They are low-maintenance plants that can withstand a light misting from time to time. You should keep in mind, though, that they require sporadic misting and do not thrive in direct sunlight. They can be treated with a special trichomed plant fertilizer designed just for these kinds of plants. Insect and disease resistance are also strong points, but you should still keep an eye on their watering schedule and provide enough lighting.

It’s critical to understand the plant’s needs for light, soil, and humidity before selecting a plant for the bathroom. Some plants enjoy the humidity, whereas others detest having their roots or feet wet. You should carefully read the label because some plants thrive in soaking sinks while others require direct sunlight. Sky plants can help people choose their preferred lighting sources as well as act as decorative plants in bathrooms.

Orchid cactus

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Orchid cactus bathroom

Consider using orchid cactus succulents in your bathroom if you’re looking for a novel way to make it more interesting. This stunning species has a special blooming cycle. Its large, cup-shaped flowers have a variety of lovely colors and are supported by flat stems. Cacti with orchids have little need for maintenance. They require very little upkeep, and their flowers can last for up to a year.

Choose an orchid cactus succulent that receives low light and has good air circulation if you want to grow it in your bathroom. This kind of plant should be grown in a dry, quick-draining soil because it is more susceptible to rust spotting. Move the plant to a cooler location when the buds first start to appear. Try to keep the plant indoors if you can during the winter, preferably in a sunny window.

A bathroom has a higher humidity level than a typical setting. Cacti have adapted over time to survive in environments with little to no water. For photosynthesis, they use carbon dioxide, which releases new oxygen into the atmosphere. A cactus in the bathroom is a cheap and interesting way to spruce up your bathroom, even though it won’t have a big impact. You can benefit from adding one or two to your bathroom.

A bathroom has a higher humidity level than a typical setting. Cacti have adapted over time to survive in environments with little to no water. For photosynthesis, they use carbon dioxide, which releases new oxygen into the atmosphere. A cactus in the bathroom is a cheap and interesting way to spruce up your bathroom, even though it won’t have a big impact. You can benefit from adding one or two to your bathroom.

Kalanchoe tomentosa, or Panda plant

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Kalanchoe tomentosa, or Panda plant

The gorgeous, silvery, fuzz-covered leaves of the panda plant are quite well known. These plants are diminutive to medium-sized succulents, frequently growing to a height of 18 inches (46 cm).

Despite needing some sunlight, panda plants may thrive in bathrooms with windows. Your Panda plant may begin to stretch if there are no windows in your bathroom because of the lack of light. However, you can prune your panda plant 1-3 times per year, by 20–40%. It will stay neat and grow bushier as a result of this.


Rhipsalis Angus Celeste Blog

You can have lovely rhipsalis cacti in your bathroom. Because the majority of these succulents produce dangling or hanging stems, they look fantastic in larger pots or hanging baskets. Epiphytic jungle cacti are known as ripsalis (that naturally live on other plants, but are not parasites). They can give bathrooms life and color.

They are appropriate for bathrooms because they frequently receive partial shade in their natural habitat, where they are also known as mistletoe cacti. Mistletoe cacti should be placed in your bathroom in a location that, ideally, receives both partial and full sun throughout the day. Additionally, they tolerate some soil moisture and air humidity, which people frequently experience in their bathrooms. Water your mistletoe cactus once the soil is mostly dry.

Ox tongue (Gasteria)

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Ox tongue (Gasteria)

A straightforward yet interesting succulent for a bathroom is the ox tongue, or Gasteria. The upright leaves of Gasteria have patterned, rough leaves. What is there not to love about this adorable succulent, especially since ox tongue also produces lovely tubular flowers? Gasteria is an appropriate succulent for a bathroom because it grows slowly and can withstand low lighting and partial shade.

However, be careful not to let any water fall and collect on the leaves as this could cause them to begin to rot. Ox tongue doesn’t require a lot of water, so it’s preferable to set it up on a windowsill with more light during the day. For rot prevention, there must be plenty of fresh air. You might decide against installing an Ox tongue in your bathroom if it lacks a window and is frequently steamy. When the soil is completely dry, only water this succulent.

In a larger pot or hanging basket, this cactus looks fantastic. It resembles snakes because of the dangling stems. These jungle cacti that live on other plants as epiphytes do not harm them. A few of the species can even tolerate high humidity and low light. They can flourish in bathrooms and are not parasitic.

A quick way to make your bathroom more brighter

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Succulents For Bathrooms

The majority of the time, people view bathrooms as functional rooms. Do your business inside, then exit the building. But because bathrooms frequently have a monochromatic aesthetic, adding a dash of green can liven up what might otherwise appear to be a dull space. Succulents are the ideal choice for this task.

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